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About us

About Topsector Logistiek

Together with entrepreneurs, governments and research institutions, Topsector Logistiek is working on the ambition for 2050: competitive and emission-free logistics in the Netherlands. Topsector Logistiek has drawn up an implementation programme to achieve this ambition. Carbon Added Accounting is one of the components therein.

Topsector Logistiek’s goals

Carbon Added Accounting falls within the Supply Chain domain. Topsector Logistiek’s goals in this domain are:

  • maximum supply chain visibility;
  • effective use of resources;
  • optimised allocation of infrastructure capacity;
  • forging an innovative environment for the development of new services.
Close collaboration

In the various implementation programmes, Topsector Logistiek works closely together with companies, knowledge institutions, and governments on innovations for competitive and emission-free logistics. We do that by conducting research, developing knowledge and tools, and scaling up. We are taking this same approach in Carbon Added Accounting. Other carbon-related projects include: Carbon Footprinting and Footprinting.



Start of carbon footprinting programme

Calculating and allocating CO2e emissions from transport and storage at shipment level based on actual company data.


Inception of Carbon Added Accounting

Method for CO2e emission calculation, allocation, and transfer for entire production chains, including the forward transfer of data quality.


Practical cases from production chains

The method is used successfully in various production chains: beer, paint, and packaging.



Publication of the Carbon Added Accounting whitepaper, explaining the method and its importance.


Practical cases from agricultural chains

Multiple practical cases involving eggs, tulips, wine, and other agricultural crops have shown that Carbon Added Accounting also works well in the agricultural sector.


Refining the method

In partnership with eight new companies, the final details of the method are being refined and tweaked based on insights from actual practices.


Collaboration with auditors

Through a series of projects, we are exploring the value of Carbon Added Accounting during the audit process by auditors.


Topsector Logistiek is looking for partners who want to charge on the CO2e footprint of their business processes or chain. Are you interested as a company, customs office or accountant? We help you implement Carbon Added Accounting and analyse the data. This way we can fine-tune the method, whilst you optimize your business processes.

T     +31 15 251 65 65

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