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Advantages of Carbon Added Accounting

What does it gain me?


As a company you want to be and remain competitive. You therefore have to continuously anticipate and respond. To developments in the market, environmental requirements from the government and consumer wishes. Carbon added accounting helps you with this. You provide insight into your share of the CO2e emissions of products, subproducts or services and the CO2e footprint of the entire supply chain. This has economic advantages. All the advantages are listed below. Also for governments, accountants and consumers.

Advantages of Carbon Added Accounting for companies
  • Accurate insight into the CO2e emissions of products and services based on own data. This makes your product more interesting for customers.
  • You will be prepared for upcoming legislation and regulations, for example for the various parts of Fit for 55 of the EU, such as the CSRD.
  • You gain insights that allow you to optimise the efficiency of your business operations, reduce costs and minimise emissions;
  • By minimizing your CO2e emissions now, you will reduce costs once these emissions are taxed in the long term;
  • In short: you will improve your competitive position through the above points.
Advantages of Carbon Added Accounting for accountants
  • Carbon Added Accounting is in keeping with International Financial Reporting Standards. This makes it easy to check and value the CO2e information. After that, the information can simply be included in the annual report.
  • Calculating and forwarding on the data quality gives accountants much more information about the reliability of the CO2e emission figures.
  • Just as products and services are taxed with VAT now, they will also be taxed with CO2e emissions in the future. Carbon Added Accounting makes the CO2e footprints of products and services demonstrably reliable.
Advantages of Carbon Added Accounting for governments
  • Because companies share their actual CO2e emissions and data quality and because accountants verify this information, governments obtain a reliable record of whether companies are reducing their CO2e footprint. And by how much.
  • Carbon Added Accounting is a uniform method based on primary business data. This makes it extremely suitable as a policy instrument. For example, to regulate CO2e emissions through taxation. Or to compare companies with each other in a tender.
  • A uniform method helps customs with import and export duties on CO2e emissions.
Advantages of Carbon Added Accounting for consumers
  • Consumers obtain accurate insight into the CO2e emissions of products and services. Based on this, they can make well-considered choices.


Topsector Logistiek is looking for partners who want to charge on the CO2e footprint of their business processes or chain. Are you interested as a company, customs office or accountant? We help you implement Carbon Added Accounting and analyse the data. This way we can fine-tune the method, whilst you optimize your business processes.


T     +31 15 251 65 65


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